
Can i plant lupin seed ?

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i have taken seeds off my lupins should i plant them now and if so will they flower next year




  1. From what I've read, they are best to plant in early spring.  They take a while to reach maturity.  The also should be filed, sanded or cut slightly so the water can get through the outer shell.  And they should be soaked in water overnight before planting.  Lupins are one of my favorite flowers.

  2. Best planted in Spring:

    In order to maximise your chances of success (ie not lose the seeds to fungii):

    1) Sterilise seed (3% household bleach with a drop of detergent in 97% water... soak for 10 min)

    2) Clean hands

    3) Chit the lupin seeds

    4) Plant. In spring they should all germinate within a week.

    ... once you have a good clump growing, they will pretty much self perpetuate from there.

  3. I just collected the pods and once they had dried out I collected the seeds and stored them in a bag for the following year. I planted the seeds out in the garden and Hey Presto! It worked. Lots of baby lupins!

  4. Mine continually reseed themselves and then I simply transplant the extra lupines that sprout up all summer to the spots where I want them either before or after they bloom.  Typically you don't want to transplant them when blooming.

    I have never tried planting the seed though.

    Good Luck!

  5. Im not a gardener,but thats what i did a few years back,they now seed themselves-got them everywhere,which is ok as i have a country type garden.Nice choice of plant.poppys are the one thing that never seem to want to grow from seed for me-apparently its the soil so im told

  6. no. dry them out first,then find out what time of the year to plant them

  7. It's a little early,(In the UK)for lupin seed to have fully ripened.The seed pod will open naturally when the seed is ready,revealing a seed which is quite hard.

    These seeds may be sown directly into the soil,or individually into pots of potting compost.The resulting plants can then be planted out next spring in their flowering position.

    Note that the seedlings will differ in colour from the parent plants.

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