
Can i play on the PGA?

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well im 18 years old my dream is to play on the PGA im very commitited on my training i play every day and work really hard im a 4 handicap and i just dont know to get there i would appreciate someone tryin to help, thanks




  1. Probably not, but keep at it.  Go to college and compete A LOT.  Play all the local amateur tourneys.  my brother in law has been bouncing from nationwide to pga for years.  its a struggle and he has rounds in the mid 60's often.

  2. You need to start playing in competitions. Contact your local state golf association and find out where the various state, county and city championships are being held, and how you get in them. It's one thing to be a good player when playing a regular round, playing in competition is another thing entirely. Play in every competition you can get into.

  3. Not yet.But you are getting there fast.Keep on practising till you become a pro.Attend a qualifying school and compete for a card to be able to play in the PGA.Good luck.I'll be waiting to watch you play in the Golf Channel of my Tv.

  4. you've got a looong way to go.   Not to mention the huge $$ investment .... stay in skool..............

  5. most everything has already been covered, but another is to get in to top physical condition.  when I went for the tour back in the 80's everyone didn't care about there shape.  We could eat a push up faster than we could do one.  This new young crop though is just a bunch of cut real athletes.  Trust me to have lean muscle and a body that can out perform other your potential is endless.

  6. Is it possible? yes! Is it very likely? no.  At 18, you're far off the pace with a 4 handicap.  But there are pros on tour who didnt play until their freshman year of college.  And there are players who couldnt make their golf team at small colleges.  Go to a small college with a bad golf team, one that you could make.  This will give you the opportunity to work at it hard over the next 4 years. Good Luck!

  7. You will need to be a d**n sight better than 4 to get the on the  Tour.

    A former intern is busting his *** on the Hooters tour now and he is above scratch.

    I would suggest trying parlaying your game into a college scholarship if you can.  Continue your education while getting your game to scratch and beyond.  After school, do everything you can to get there while you are still young enough to do it.

  8. Probably not, Here is why. Even if you regulary break par the nerves required to play on tour are another story. What I mean is that the pressure that is applied to your body in a tour event or tour qualifier is insane. Most bodies cant deal with the phsyiological fight/flight responses generated by the body. The intense pressure couple with adrenaline can cause you to mess up even the simplest of golf shots.

    Many people regulary break par, but under the pressures of tour events can hardly break 80.

    I would recommend playing amatuer tournaments to find out how you handle pressure.

    Monty's meltdown on the 18th hole of the US Open a few years ago was an example of the human bodys failure under pressure. Watch a Tour event on sunday, many pros succumb to body failure and they handle it better than most people.

  9. Well anything is possible if you are truly committed to it.  Play in amateur tournaments.  What are your college plans?  Definitely work with a teaching pro if you're not all ready.

  10. Let me help you out here.

    Ok so you want to play on the tour, thats good, but the players dont get paid $$$$$$$ without being the best in the world.  If you are a 4, you have a long way to go.  Here are a couple ways to get to the big time.

    1) Pay the money to play for the Q school.  This requires alot of money and time, plus a huge risk.  Then you must win the Q school outta usually around 500 players.  Then just maybe you will keep your card for more than a year.

    2) Be a child phenom like Michelle Wie.  Apparently if you can hit it far and stand out when your young, you dont need any skill at all to play on the tour.  How many tournys has she won?  Yet, she is a multi millionaire.  VERY FRUSTRATING, as I know of alot of people that can beat her up and down the course.

    3) Put down the money to play on a mini tour, like the Hooters tour, or the Spanos tour.  Win here a bunch, get noticed, go to the Nationwide tour, win here a bunch, get noticed, get an exemption to play one tour event, play extraordinary, and maybe you will get another chance.  Again, lots of money, time, and risk.

    4) Finally, the most logical, Go to school  Try to get into a D1 or D2 school .  Play your butt off.  You will notice just how many great players there are out there.  Let me hit you with some knowledge.  Outta the thousands of students who play for a D1 school, 75% of them are scratch or better.  The other 25% are probably 2 or less.  Outta these players that play or practice everyday, compete with the best young players out there on the most difficult courses in the world, it is now estimated that only 5% of D1 golfers will make it to the tour, 10% will fail to make it, and 85% will give up golf and focus on their careers.  Remember, these guys get to play 4 years on some of the most competitive courses and with some of the best golfers out there.  

    Now, all of this being said, dont give up your dream.  It is possible to make it out there on the tour, just very improbable.  Go for it, but go to school too and have a backup plan.  Get your degree, and then focus on golf.  I play for a D1 school, and my index is +0.7.  I routinely get my butt kicked out there by almost 1/3 of the field during tournys.  I realize that I wont be good enough to make the tour so school is more important.  Golf is still fun and I still love to play competitively, but you have to realize at some point that some dreams are just that, dreams.  Good luck out there and always trust your shots.  You will need luck, timing, and skill to make it to the bigs, but it is possible.

  11. I think it depends on when you started playing golf.  You are 18 and a 4 handicap which is phenomenal if you started playing when you were like 15 or 16.  But if you started when you were say 8 or 9, then you are not progressing fast enough for the Tour to be a realistic dream.  Regardless try to play in college to see how you do and take it from there.  We'd all like to be on the Tour, but only a very lucky few get there.

  12. Thats a tough many guys are trying to get on Tour..any tour....i agree that you have to play in tournaments, but look at your game and compare it to some guys on tour..can you hit it far enough to compete, is your short game amazing, not just ok, I was a 3 handicap when i was 18 and decided i would be better suited persuing teaching golf instead of trying to continue my persuit to the pga be honest a 4 handicap just isn't going to cut it, I know a couple guys who are plus 2's and the best they can do is a decent finish in the state opens, but don't give up you still have your college years to really develop your game before giving it a shot
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