
Can i play roblox on my wii?

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can i play roblox on my wii? it doesn't work on either of my computers.




  1.  I WISH THEY PUT ROBLOX CHANNEL SO I CAN PLAY!!!! >:0  BTW.........................I'm deaf and if you'd rather add me: HolyVastus14...

  2. u can this is how save roblox to a wii develpmont disk than put it in the wii and u get roblox

  3. I Have Internet Explorer And Safari Use Internet Channel When You Get Wifi My Roblox Username Is DamagedPyroCity Feel Free To Send Me An FR

  4. I think you might actully be able too.

    If you saved your roblox opening file to a sd card or a homebrew card.

    I think you might possably be able to play it on a umd size disc but I don't know.

    If it were to work on a umd it would probably read it as a gamecube game.

    My roblox username is dawson7878 feel free to send me fr

  5. i have internet explorer i didnt try it yet but i will oh and my guess is yes


  6. In the event robloxu can not be loaded on the disc subsequently connected to the wiii?

  7. they need to make a roblox channel so you can play the games and go to your place

  8. no you cant u can only visit the cite but not the games:  got questions
    roblox username: FEARxVENOM

  9. my best guss is yes...keep beliving,keep searching,i am reduced to useing wii two. tey looking it up...every were!!!p.s try saving it on a flash drive and puting it into the wii...simple.

  10. No Roblox is only a computer game if you can connect to the internet and then get on Roblox but that update has not been made yet to the wii just keep your hopes high

  11. lol idk tried but didnt work

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