He asked me out on Wednesday, so we've been going out for only a day...but i feel like nothing has really changed, i mean i know i should give things time, but we don't hold hands and he doesn't put his arm around me. I mean we hug when we see each other and when we say goodbye, and walks me to my class in the morning, but that's what we did before he asked me out. And when he asked me on a date, he didn't ask for it to just be the two of us, he asked for it to be a group of people. which I'm okay with because the people we will be going with are like my best friends, but still i always imagined my first date with me and the guy one on one. And i also don't know what to do if he makes a move to like kiss me or something because it will be my first kiss. And i just don't know what to do, or how to do it? can i just get some advice and or some words of encouragement?