
Can i pls have any romance story ideas? thanks, so much help needed!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i really really need story ideas

just like an idea not a whole story

i know its like im not being original but its due friday and i cant think!!!!




  1. read twilight its about vampires and love omg i love it!!!!

  2. GIve them 9 REAL roses and 1 FAKE rose.

    And say: "I'll love you until the last rose dies"

    And since the last rose won't ever die because it's fake, it'll say you love them forever =) Plus you gave them flowers =)

  3. A girl and her family must relocate to another town for 3 months (dad's job or whatever) just as they are leaving their dog runs away.  They have to leave anyway and she is freaking out.    Her friends put up poster and such after she is gone to help her family find the dog.  A guy finds the dog and offers to keep him for the family because he really likes the dog and being new is town is lonely.   When girl and family return guy brings dog back but is so sad to see dog go that girl tells him he can visit dog.  Their romance begins as they walk the dog together and such...

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