
Can i plug an extension lead into another??

by  |  earlier

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my long extension lead isnt long enough, can i plug another one into it to reach so i can use it?

i herd it was dangerous but i dont really know.





  1. sure, you can wrap it around the block if you want.  What's dangerous concerning extension leads if to put too much on them and have them overheat.  Big danger of catching fire.

  2. as usual...a good answer from Knownow't....he is correct!

  3. Whilst ensuring that you use an RCD will help prevent electric shock through earth faults, it will NOT prevent the cable overheating through overload. Limit the current draw at the other end as far as possible.

  4. i do it regularly to cut the grass.

  5. As long as it's 16 guage or above. Check the lable.

  6. Yes you can but I would use an RCD plug to prevent an accident.....

  7. yes if there is afuse in the first plug

  8. I have as a temporary method but use one with a circuit breaker for your safety.

  9. Absolutely!

  10. That ok . We do it all the time on our construction sites.

    Use a RCD and then only on item. No multi boxes etc

  11. Fine for a computer, wouldn't want to run a three bar fire off it though.

  12. yes it is ment to be dangerous but i do it all the time at the moment i have 3 extensoin leads connected to 1 another and then plugged into 1 socket and nothings gone wrong so far. so i think its ok as long as u dont use every applience that u have plugged in2 the extention leads all at the same time

  13. It's all about the amps.  The bigger a thing you're trying to run on an extension cord, then either the thicker the cord must be, or the shorter it must be.  It isn't safe to run 15 amps on longer than 100' cords that are lighter than 12ga, but 10 amp loads could go a bit farther, 5 amp loads could go as much as 200' and 1 amp loads maybe 1000'.  So check the manufacturer's label on the device you're using to see how much current it pulls.

    Check elsewhere on the web for further corroboration of my numbers; those are off the top of my head and you don't want to get this kind of thing wrong and set your house on fire.

  14. yes because the fuse in the first plug will protect the rest from overload


    13amps, the cable and sockets attached will be rated above this. so will be ok

    It is very bad practise though.

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