
Can i plz get more than 3answers on this pregnancy question. it's really important.?

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okay so i began showing signs of pregnancy (vomiting, sleeping and eating changes, mood swings) well they didn't go away and after two weeks of that i took a preg test it came out inconclusive. and i've taken two more since same results. it's now been over a month since the symptoms started and i went to the doctor for abdomen pain, and apparently i've got something wrong with my gall bladder which could be caused by pregnancy amoung other things but now i'm freaking what would make those tests not give me a reading.

*also my doctor didn't check out pregnancy yet as a reason cuz i'm on the depo shot.




  1. your symptoms are indicative and just about anything. I am confused about the inconclusive pregnancy tests. They are either positive or negative. If you are getting multiple ones that don't work at all, you need to switch brands. It is most likely the gall bladder OR the DEPO.

  2. i think they are natural signs you should not care about them if you are really worry than go talk to your doctor

  3. you need to get off that kind of birth control ASAP. My wife used that for several months and was ALWAYS sick ( stomach pain, throwing up, and so on. try getting another way of birth control. and you should not be on a birth control if you are pregnant.  

  4. I agree with the doctor, heal your gall bladder and the symptoms will go away.

  5. listen to the doctor

  6. It sounds like you could be.  Depo is one of the least effective birth control methods.  I have known more people getting pregnant on it than not.  That and hormone changes can cause an inconclusive test.  Some women don't shoe up until they're 2 or more months along.  Go to the doctor and ask for a blood test to be sure.

  7. The best thing I can advise you on is to request a blood test. That will give you the answer that you need to know if you are pregnant or not). Maybe the vomiting and such could be from you having something wrong with your gall bladder. I don't know hun, I'm not a doctor. I would suggest a second opinion or get your dr to have a blood test done.

    Good Luck to you!

  8. How are the tests 'inconclusive?'  Are they not readable?  

    Gallbladder problems cause exactly the symptoms you are describing.  Listen to the Dr. and do what he/she tells you.  If you are, in fact, getting something (other than negatives that you're not believing) on the tests, then take them in and show them to the Dr.

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