
Can i possible be unsure about my sexual orientation?

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I am married and happy, I have two kids from previous relation ships, and I am religious and I'm not sure why I would like to be with another woman, is it just curiosity, is it normal, I just don't get it, thinking about me being with another woman seems ok with me. I'm just confused, some nice and honest help please.




  1. I am married with 3 kids and I was always bi Curious, I tried it with a friend and really enjoyed it, also had a threesome was great. However a bit of advice if you are thinking of the threesome route, think carefully because this is your marriage you messing with. Talk to your husband and if he is open minded you could try being with a woman. from my own expereince being with a woman is a sensual expereince, woman are tender and suppose a woman really know a womans body. it is an expereince I am glad I tried, you only got a one way ticket so make the most of it....

  2. It is all perfectly normal and that is what scares the H*ll out of all the homophobes. Many of them have the same thoughts but would never admit it.

    If you go for a woman and you like it more... well I guess that would just be one more straight marriage down the drain.

  3. yes it is. for the moment, since you are unsure, you are bi curious.

  4. It's natural to be curious about the same s*x

  5. it is human nature to be curious. i dont think anyone truly knows there sexual orientation so dont worry about it

  6. It is very possible for you to be unsure about your sexual orientation. There are a good number of women who, like you, are married and happy but are still curious about such a thing as being with another woman. I don't know if that's normal, but does it have to be? This is becomes a very tricky subject when you place your partner in the picture. Is he okay with homosexuality? If you really, really need to get it out of your system, perhaps try being with a woman for one night. Most women know if it's right for them after they actually try it. I know it's not easy, but everyone should try something new, and who knows, maybe you'd be happier with a woman.

  7. I think your situation is normal. All I can tell you is how I personally feel about it, doesn't mean I'm right, just like you, I can't change the way I feel.

    I think you should talk to your husband about how he feels about 2 women being together or if he would consider it cheating for a married woman to be with another girl. I feel it is cheating and so does my husband and I would never do it because I have chosen to spend my life with my husband.

    Before I was married I was very curious too. I had been with a few different woman. And women are s**y and soft and smell great and it's just a whole different thing. I would get butterflies in my tummy being around women in a sexual way, I used to feel like that around men but it went away a lot time ago. I think the butterflies are just because it is not the "norm", like a first kiss in junior high type of thing.

    I think everyone should try everything once in their lifetime. I learned from being with women that I am a very sexual person but I am not g*y, I don't desire a relationship with a woman. There's something quite alluring about knowing what feels good and being able to try that on someone with the same equipment.

    Maybe you could see if your husband was open to a threesome. I hope that you try woman to woman action if you are curious about it. I've tried the threesome too and I like being with a man for quite different reasons then I like being with a woman. I see no reason to mix the two, but like I said, it's your body, why not explore anything you possibly can.

    If you decide to go for a woman and you like it more you need to be true to yourself. If it ends up making you happier than being with a man, then why not. If you're not going to look out for yourself, who is, ya know?

    Good luck!

  8. You are not g*y for fantasizing or thinking about being with another women. Most people are curious about such things.  

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