
Can i post a wanted ad for a car on freecycle?

by  |  earlier

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I'm looking for a free car for a friend of mine who was laid off 4 weeks ago and now his only car a 94 sable has died and repair costs are prohibitive, it would be cheaper for him to buy something else or find a freebie, but / so i wanted to know if anyone has posted a request for a car before, and if it was approved or not posted? thanks.




  1. it depends on local rules - the point of freecycle is to save things from landfill, so working mot-passed cars are unlikely to be heading that way... each group varies slightly on the guidelines they set up

    on my group we don't allow vehicle requests, classing them as 'extravagant' (along with games consoles and laptops) because if someone asks, so does the entire group! i have however seen them offered, so it's worth watching out

  2. It depends on local rules - many don't allow "extravagant" wanteds.

    The odds of getting a car better than your friends is quite low. We have had multiple requests for cars in our group, and I don't think anyone actually got one. There have been a few offers, but only of non-working or project cars.

    I'd email your moderator and ask.

  3. I have seen only one "Wanted" post for a car on only one of the freecycle  groups that I belong to.  Someone actually gave the person a car.  Shortly thereafter, that post was deleted and the group owner made a new rule that no car wanted posts would be allowed.  She stated that it took her and her three moderators many hours to reject a flood of posts from people wanting free cars.

    You could give it a try on your local freecycle group.  The owner will either approve the post or reject it. Who knows, maybe he will get lucky and someone will give him one. It's good of you to try helping your friend and I hope he is able to find a new job and transportation soon.

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