
Can i practice archery or use a bow in my yard?

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the area behind my yard is woods and noone lives there at all. the problem lies in the fact i live in a townhouse so my neighbors might see me practice. if i practice archery shooting at targets aimed at the woods, would there be any trouble with the law?

-assume my neighbors are okay with me practicing archery




  1. You have to have a backstop.  In other words, a large piece of plywood or sandbags or something that will keep the arrows from flying into the woods.  You would assume the trees would stop them, but it has to be something solid.

  2. No weapons of any kind should be allowed in America.

  3. If your neighbors are fine then most likely the law won't find out.  But for safety sake, always have a proper backstop built.  Don't just put a target out and shoot at it.  Allow for errors, a single pinch on the nock can send an arrow flying at extreme angles.  It  can and has happened to even the most experienced archer.  Also make sure you're not shooting in the direction of a dirt path through the woods or some sort.  Who knows who might be walking out there, you can't see them and they can't see you, but your arrows can get to them.

    Having said all that, it only takes a pissed off neighbor to call the police on you, and they can write you a ticket, even if it is your property.  This actually happened to someone I know recently, the officers however were nice enough to let him off with a warning.

  4. Check with your local township laws. If there is no law against it, then you should be able to. Ensure that you have, as the previous poster stated, a backstop for your target.

  5. If you're practicing on property that does not belong to you, then yes, there could be trouble with the law.

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