
Can i prove that the luggage searchers took my necklace?

by Guest65244  |  earlier

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i arrived from australia last night into LA and then went onto JFK...unlike customs in australia, at LA airport they dont search your bag in front of you and apparently things get stolen quite often.

i brought 3 necklaces to australia with me

one of no value came back.

i think when they looked through my luggage at customs someone stole the most important and sentimental thing i own - a cross necklace that belonged to my great great grandma. that and another necklace a friend gave to me.

i definitely packed both of them in a ziplock bag.

when i opened my suitcase the other contents of the ziplock were everywhere in my suitcase and i didnt realise the necklaces were missing until i unpacked completely...

what do i do?? can i even prove that someone took them out of my suitcase? how can i get these back?

id prefer no comments about how you shouldnt put valuables in your check in luggage please. ive already figured that part out.

any ideas are appreciated.




  1. No, youre pretty much screwed, and if you complain to them they will all just stick up for each other. Sorry for your loss :(

  2. I doubt that you can prove it.How ever a complaint in writing should be made to the airline and the airport. Also you can complain to the police and get a paper from the police to say it is missing for insurance. I'm so sorry to hear this. A similar thing happened to me in a hotel, It was also a locket that had belonged to my  Grandmother. I made such a fuss about it after searching the hotel room from top to bottom and talking to the cleaners. Low and behold next day after the cleaners had been in there was my locket hidden behind a cup. No way did I put it there. So make a fuss even if you don't recover it It may give the staff a shake up as this is not on. insurance maybe you .  

  3. Sorry, you are out of luck.  Report it though, and maybe if others do the same maybe the airports might consider adding cameras to the baggage handler area.  Maybe if there are a lot of problems at this particular airport some news magazine can do some hidden camera investigation.  

  4. I had my laptop stolen from my suitcase and everyone blamed everyone else.  I had to take the $ 1,500.000 loss and learn my lesson that anything valuable keep by your side at all times.  Never pack anything valuable in suitcases.

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