
Can i prune back my hebes?

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Can i prune back hard my hebes now as i don't really want to take them out completely but they aren't in keeping with the rest of the garden




  1. Another yes :0)

    Only thing to add is the first time I did mine I pruned like a shrub and they sort of flopped/spread. Now I go from the main stem taking the outer stalks/branches which keeps them compact.

  2. Yes, if your hebes aren't doing so well, pruning them back hard (to about 30cm+, will rejuvenate it) will promote new growth. It's also nearly Spring, which is the best time to lightly prune hebes.  

  3. I prune my hebes regularly. I take out all the straggly shoots and any that are sticking out too much and are ruining the look of the bush. Mine have reacted very well to all my pruning.

    I also take heel cuttings every year and all these take easily, which I promptly share with friends and neighbours. In the past I have also layered a couple to see how well they would take, and those took easily too.

    Don't get too worried about harming your hebes. They are pretty tough. Those in the second photo could definitely do with a good prune. Cut them back to the shape you require, then give them a good mulch and watering.

    I regularly cut back most of my perennial shrubs like the cotinus, potentilla, fuchsia, phygellus, cotoneaster, choisia, viburnum, weigela, strawberry bush, California lilac, ribes sanguineum, St John's Wort, broom, holly, astara and I have even hacked into the New Zealand flax and divided it brutally. So far none of them have died and seem to thrive with the regular pruning.

    But always mulch and water after you prune - that is important for any plant.

  4. Definitely Yes!  But be sure to feed afterwards so that they can put on new growth and not suffer from your hacking back.  In fact, You can be quite brutal with most hebes, and as long as they've been well fed and watered, will respond very well.

  5. They should be fine,l prune mine back with no ill-effects .

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