
Can i pull a 2 horse with my minivan??

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can i pull 5000 pounds behind my 03 honda odessy???




  1. No, you can't pull a horse with a minivan because a minivan does not have enought power to pull a horse trailer. you need a pick-up-truck.

  2. I wouldnt try it. Minivans are not built to pull or properly balance the weight. Your can might be able to do it but never very safely. Don't risk it. You (or your kids) love those horses and killing/injuring them in a trailer accident due to the lack of a proper vehical is not a good plan.

  3. Im pretty sure you can't. We had an oddesy and we never used it to pull a trailer

  4. You can "Pull" a horse trailer with a volkswagon if you want.  The problm is stopping, and stability.  So my answer is no.  Get a heavy half or 3/4 ton with enough brake pad for stopping....

  5. I wouldn't - they aren't really built to pull anything bigger than say a camping trailer, you really need a 4 x 4.

  6. You should check your manual.

  7. Why don't you just call a Honda dealer & ask them?

  8. Not a need a "tow" rig to tow a horse trailer.   Total up the weight of the trailer plus the weight of the two horses to give yourself an idea of the amount of weight you'll be pulling behind you...then ask your self, while trying to stop those two rigs, your Honda and the two horse trailer, if you have enough vehicle to get this done.....I'd think that Honda would be shoved into next week with the weight behind it pushing it along.  

    DON't do it.

  9. YOU need to check with the manutfacturer.  We tried to pull our boat with our mini van and messed up the transmission.

    It was a town and country chrysler.  I wouldnt if I was you. But maybe if it is for like one time then maybe MAYBE you can.

  10. Most likely not check the towing capacity in the owners manual, don't even think about it without brakes on the trailer.

  11. Absolutely not.

  12. probally not

  13. Most likely NOT, especially when loaded, consider that you are supposed to carry a significantly lower weight than the vehicals maximum towing capacity (5-10%? I forget) 6 cyllinder right? I wouldn't dare try to haul any horse trailer(MAYBE the lightweight European floats-they're designed to be hauled with a light car) without an 8.

  14. i would not advise it...whenever i trailer my horse i use my dodge ram instead of my ford explorer...but i suppose theres' always an exception; just make sure andd be safee!

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