
Can i purchase a digital box or must i rent it from cable company?

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Can i purchase a digital box or must i rent it from cable company?




  1. thats between you and your cable company..

    i work for dish, and i know that if you sign a contract, they'll lease you the receivers, but you also have the option to buy the equipment

  2. depends on your cable company

  3. you can purchase a digital box but the cable company will only rent it to u, but you are free to buy a tivo from the store for 299 and then pay monthly for whats called a cable card which the cable company will install IN your tivo digital setop box. but remember you will have to cough up about 300 hundred big ones, instead why not just rent the box for like 5 dollars a month from the cable company cuz if the tivo breaks its your problem but if the cable company's box breaks its not your problem

  4. if you live in a cable area then buy a star veiw box from ebay for £70 to £75 you get all the channels for free sky sports sky movies the lot hope this helps

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