
Can i purchase a "Smart Minicat" air powered vehicle now or within the next two years? If so, Where?

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I live in New York and will be looking for a vehicle soon. I really enjoy the concept of the Smart cars and through some research I found a model called the "Smart MiniCat." I am not sure if theyre even sold in the U.S., but i would like to find out. If you have any information on these air powered vehicles, please feel free to answer my question or contact me. or thank you




  1. Voice of Reason, you must have relatives that work in the oil industry. the concept of an air powered car is interesting. certainly no air pollution as it runs. if the government TRULY cared about the enviroment, we would see a push towards zero emissions vehicles. bio fuels and the hydrogen highway isn't the answer. changing the way we drive and how we use our vehicles will make a difference. as for the question, you may find an answer at this site.


    good news ... they think that there might be a modified  air powered car in the year 2010. it will have a fuel economy of approx 95 mpg.In the city it can run on straight air .. In the meanwhile I am going to check out the electric bicycle.

  3. you really want a car that is glued together.

  4. Why would you want one of these short range, unsafe vehicles?  And, where do you plan to get the air tank recharged?

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