
Can i put ALLAH among all these faces?

by Guest57390  |  earlier

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Its like i have stuff of pink and purple colour in my bedroom, and there are many little cute things with faces and eyes, key chains mostly.

But i would really like to put up a purple or pink wall hanging Of the name ALLAH, but i don't know if it would be sinful if i put up His name with all the faces, but i really feel and know that having his name or some dua or something will protect me from Jinns etc. Please help. Is it wrong for me to do this?

I know that i shouldnt be having all these characters around because then angels dont come etc, but i am not so old and i love such things, so please help me.

Please, i want serious answers, last time i got 3 answers when i asked this question and all of those dummies said that Allah doesnt exist so you dont have to worry.




  1. It is my opinion that you are committing shirk unintentionally.

    A wall hanging with the name of Allah on it offers you no protection whatsoever. You need only say A`udzu billahi min asy-syaitaan ir-rajiim and take refuge in Allah for that.

    Change your niyat to one of using the wall hanging to remind you of Allah and it is permissable.

    As far as the faces?  your taqwa is telling you it is wrong or you wouldn't be asking this question.

    Rest Allah knows best.

  2. Well dear, hanging a dua'a in itself can't help u. There is no hadith which says that this is possible. A dua'a must be recited in order to benefit u. However, if u hang a dua'a on the wall, so that u will see it several times in a day and go through it, that's great.

    As for hanging it in the room along with various cartoon pictures and things, I have never heard that it can't be done. U'd better ask this question at a good website shere scholars will answer u. Like

    By the way, u'd better not hang those things. If u're a kid, then it's OK obviously, but u need to be sure...

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