
Can i put a adult leopard gecko in a 10 gallon?

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can a single leopard gecko live its full life ina ten gallon? if not would a 15 gallon be ok?




  1. yes you can keep one in a 10 gallon but if you plan on getting more then youll need more room.

  2. The leopard gecko will be just fine in a ten gallon. I have two in a twenty gallon and they are happy as can be. So one in a ten gallon should be just fine.

  3. if its a single leopard gecko then that would be good but if you get two a 20 gallon will be needed. if its for breeding purposes then when you get the 20 you will have the ten for the baby leopard gecko! anyways good luck with your new leopard geckos.

  4. You have to be very careful using a ten gallon tank.  You might not get the heat gradients that you need, I had problems with keeping baby lizards in 10 gal tanks before, they both overheated because they could not get a true cool spot.  Watch temps VERY closely, I don't want anyone else to have to go through what I did.

  5. Hello; while you can have a Leopard Gecko in a 10 gallon; it is a bit too cramped in my opinion for an adult. There really wouldn't be enough room to have the proper amount of hides (at least two), the water dish, etc, and still have enough room for the Gecko to move around freely. A 15 gallon or a 20 gallon long would be much better.  :)

    If you are looking for a small species of Gecko that would do fine for its entire life in a 10 gallon; have you considered a Viper Gecko? They are nocturnal so they don't need UV lighting, small, low maintenance, docile, interesting looking, do quite well with handling, and make excellent pet lizards. :)

    Here is a care sheet on them; in case you are interested:

    I hope this helps, and if you have any further questions at all on the subject; please feel free to message me and I will be more than happy to assist you.

    Good luck!

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