
Can i put a betta in with my guppies

by Guest32785  |  earlier

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i am going to the pet store to find a fish but i can't choose between a molly a betta (female or male) a guppy a neon tetra or anything else to put in with my guppies so what should i put in with them?




  1. NO! Betta will fight a fish until the other is dead. Unless they are being bred.

  2. it depends on the gender of the betta if it is female it could be alright but male better get those tomb stones

  3. A female betta, paradise fish, or dwarf gourami would be fine.  Cory cats would also go good with them.

    It does depend on your tank size.  Tetras shouldn't be kept alone, and guppies will breed with mollies.

  4. I would not put a betta in with guppies.  Male bettas might mistake them for another male because of their colorful and excessive finnage and attack.  I've also seen a male betta eat a young guppy.  They will eat anything they can fit in their mouth afterall.

    I'd stick with other community tropical fish like more guppies, mollies, platies, swords, or neons.

  5. I wouldn't recommend putting guppies in with a betta.

  6. lol nothing should really be with a betta

  7. Bettas are at your own risk, especially if it's male guppies and a male betta. The male betta may mistake the long, colorful tails of the male guppies as another male betta and attack them.  

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