
Can i put a crab in a cold water fish tank?

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I have 3 cold water fish and i want to put a crab into my fish tank . If i do will it live or die.




  1. it will live but crabs like to kill and eat goldfishes and other fish so best not to do this unless its just crabs in the tank

  2. Well first off, if you got it from a pet store, no because it's likely to be a tropical crab which needs warmer water. If you've caught it from a cold water creek or lake, then it will probably be able to exist in there. You might want to watch though and see what it does though, just to be sure. If you caught it in the ocean, no you can't unless you have a saltwater tank. There is no guarantee it will live or die though.  

  3. A ten gallon aquarium will house four medium size 1-2 inch fiddler crabs with sufficient space to prevent aggression. Prepare a sloping sand area for the crabs to bury themselves. If you add brackish water fish to this habitat you will want a larger aquarium. Fish such as platies, mollies, guppies and swordtails as well as ghost shrimp will adapt to moderate salinity. Set up some type of bubblier aeration system to oxygenate the water.   Yo must providea "land area" for the crabs.

  4. crabs will be very interesting to see in ur tank i have a fiddler crab in my tank and it leaves the fish along wit the bottom fedders alone but if u have a cold water crab they may get tooo big then allll fish r fair game find out its name then look it up on the net or telll me ill lok it up 4 ya

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