
Can i put all my laundry in at the same temp?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike matter what the color or type of cloth it is made at.







  1. read the tag first so u won't mess your clothes up

  2. well your suppose to wash whites in hot water

    but to be ohonest im a jeans and informative t-shirt kinda person and i just trow them all in together on cold and ive never had any problem

  3. Everything can be washed in cold, but not everything can be washed in hot.

  4. Assuming you've taken out anything that needs to be dry-cleaned, anything washable should be able to go in cold.  Do separate new colors from whites, though, or you'll end up without whites and with a lot of tie-dye!

  5. I always wash my clothes in cold water no matter what type of fabric.  I usually wash my towels/sheets in hot water, just to make sure they get disinfected.

  6. Okay..

    Dark colors in cold because then the color will bleed if its in hot.

    Lights in cold as well.


    Whites in hot always.

  7. I wash everything I do in cold and use plain old Tide. and oxywash.  Most washing soaps are made now to work fine in cold.  You may want to do only whites in hot with bleach.  Make sure nothing in there will shrink.  

  8. every thing can be washed in cold

  9. Sure. That's how I do it.  Just wash it all in cold water.  Sometimes I use a little bluing.  Been doing it for years that way.  

  10. The only thing I separate is my whites, I wash them in hot. But everything else I use cold and have never had an issue.  

  11. The only temperature you can use on all your laundry is cold.  Some fabrics can withstand hot, like cotton, and some can't depending on the material and color.  The easiest way to learn how to wash is by reading the washing instructions which is provided, usually on a little tab on most clothes and other materials.  

    A lot depends on how dirty the clothes are.  If someone in the household is a mechanic or if you have children that soak their clothing in grass stains and mud, you will most probably want hot water.  It is not a bad idea though to economize on the energy.

    I use hot water programs on my white sheets and towels.  It keeps the white bright.  The rest of my clothing and colored sheets go into a warm program.  The result is excellent.  


  12. Usually cold, but I would still wash jeans and delicates separate

  13. Of course. Thats what ive been doing for years and ive never had an issue with anything. plus it saves a lot of time :)

  14. black blue and other dark colors in cold.

    grays and light colors warm

    and whites in hot  

  15. you can put all colors and fabric (besides clothes that need to be dry cleaned) in the wash at the same time if you wash with COLD water. I wash everything in cold water and its a lot easier to just throw in the clothes and turn on the washer!  

  16. I wash everything in warm with a cold rinse.  Only if something is really dirty do I wash it in hot.  I'll wash the whites in hot if I remember.

    I NEVER wash in cold because..the way I look at it is if you are supposed to wash your hands with warm water to get them clean, why wouldn't you wash your clothes in it instead of cold?   I do over 15 loads a week.  (NEVER ends!)

  17. No, colours will bleed if put together in hot water.  Your safest bet is cold water for all colours.

  18. COLD!!!!  I started using cold water for everything and my gas bill went from $45 to $12.

  19. No. Colored clothes need to be in cold water so they won't Combine and whites need to be in hot/warm.

  20. yeah i wash EVERYTHING in cold cold

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