
Can i put iphone in tmobile ?

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i heard you can unlock iphone but i wanna know if i can use it for t-mobile and how well it would work?




  1. no, you cant...ATT has the exclusive right to provide the phone services to the iPhone!! if you mess with it, the warranty is void....! perhaps in a couple of years, you might, but what does it matter, you only have to choices in the USA to have either ATT or T-Mobile!

  2. Just google "unlocking iPhone" - and have fun reading it for the next few days...

  3. only if you jailbreak it, AT&T has exclusive right to service it til 2012, and if you do break the code, nit sure any carrier will want to handle it in fear of a law suit from AT&T and Apple and by jailbreakingit, you also void the warranty for tanpering with it

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