
Can i put my FEMALE betta in my freshwater aquarium?

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I have 2 females together... for all you dip s**z' yes, 2 FEMALES can go together.. 2 males can't. Ever since i breeded one of them the other picks on her a lot.

i have a 15 gallon aquarium and wanted to know if i can put the more agressive one in there.

my aquarium has:

3 black tetras

2 red tailed tetras

2 glo fish

a spotted loach

a plecastomus (sp?)

can i put the female betta in as well? i heard that they can be put with some fish... but are they good with these fish?




  1. Yes you are absolutely right, two female bettas can go together, but i really suggest not putting them with the other fish because bettas are aggressive regardless of the s*x. You could try it, but i really dont think its a good idea.

  2. No, No, No.

  3. Yes, you can put your Female Bettas in a community tank! However, I would suggest a larger tank than the 15 gallon that you have now. I have my Male Betta (which some consider to be more aggressive) with Male Guppies, Platys, a Blue Gourami and some Corydoras. Definately my Male Blue Gourami is more aggressive than the Male Betta. Actually, I haven't seen any aggression issues at all with my Male Betta in his community tank.  I have also had the Male Betta in with a shoal of Cardinal Tetras with no problems at all.  My only concern is that some tetras like to fin nip.  So if you see that happening you may want to house your Female Bettas with some gentler fish.  Mine is in a 90 gallon planted tank and he is doing wonderfully.  There has been absolutely NO aggression with the Betta, nor the other fish!

    I'm so glad that you are considering a community for your Betta!

    Good luck!


  4. yes

  5. Yes, you can add her to the aquarium.  I would never breed betas though, since they often are kept in such cruel conditions.  

    It's a myth that male betas can't be kept in a tank with other fish.  Two male betas can't stay in one tank, but one male beta can be in a tank with other fish as long as they don't have long flowy tails (such as a fantail guppy).  Actually, the problem is usually other fish trying to eat the betas tail.

  6. I wouldn't suggest it. Yes you are completely right that female bettas can be put together. However, 2 is too little to have a betta sorority. There needs to be at least 3 female bettas in a tank. If there is only 2, the dominant female betta will pick and bother the less dominant betta.

    But for your stocking, I don't think that you should put female bettas in there. I really don't think there is enough room for them and their aggression toward the other fish. Just in case they end up being aggressive. Its a real gamble if you ask me. It would be risky.

    Also, you need to complete the schools with the tetras and glo fish. You will need at least 6 in a school. Also, the pleco will outgrow your tank sooner or later. Depending on species, it will require at least 30 to a 55 gallon tank soon. As for your loach, I am not exactly sure what species that is but most loaches will outgrow a 15 gallon tank.

    good luck with the stocking :)  


    oh shizzz. i read your question wrong. So you want to put the more aggressive one in there? Well, if its the most aggressive, wouldnt it be aggressive towards the other fish? So I would suggest no to that. But you could still try to put the other female betta but its pretty risky still.

  7. no i wouldnt put ur betta fish in there..they kill other fish.,just keep it by its self..

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