
Can i put my male syrain hamster in the same cage as a female?

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my friend as a female syrain and i have a male can i put them in the same cage for a little bit or take them out and let them play.

also we want them to breed.




  1. If you want baby hamsters you can!

    They won't fight (if that's what you are worried about) unless you have more guys than girls. Then they will fight over the girl.

    Good Luck!


  2. u can but try to keep 2 females to 1 male

    as males can bcom aggresive

  3. I say do not breed them. There are enough as is. If you want to breed, then you better have enough room for the same number of cages as hamsters. Also, you should know more about them before it's even a thought in your mind. You are not experienced enough with hamsters if you think you can put two in the same area at all. They will kill each other, even if they are brothers or sisters. The only time you can put them together is when the female is in heat, for a very short amount of time, and then remove her immediately after mating. Not that I'm saying you should.

    If you want more, go to the store and buy a new hamster and another cage for it. If you wanted multiple hamsters you should have gone with dwarf hamsters, who live in groups. If you really want to do this, then wait a year or two until your syrian sadly passes away, and then buy yourself a large cage or an aquarium and some dwarfs or robos.

  4. By looking at your other question you asked about picking up your hamster, so you recently bought this hamster. It is very unhealthy to breed your hamster at a young age. I agree with most of the answers above and think that you shouldn't breed your hamster. Plus the two hamsters have a chance to start fighting and they can end up possibly dead or injured. As the other people have said before, we don't need more hamsters in shelters!

  5. Well if you want to breed them yes. But one of them could be seriously injured or possibly killed. Watch them at all times.

    And if you want pups the female has to be in the heat. Which happens about every 4 days. You can tell she is in the heat my stroking her back with one finger. If she presses her body against the ground and lifts her tail, she is in the heat and most likely will get pregnant.

    Good Luck!

  6. Only if you waant one of them dead and the survivor seriously injured. Syrian hamsters are extremely territorial and fight to the death. They do not "play". And don't breed them. IF you don't know that syrians are solitary, I can't imagine you did enough reading to know how to properly breed them. There are enough homeless animals, don't add to that statistic.

  7. They will most likely get into a serious fight, them maybe mate, then fight again (possibly to the death of one of them) Don't breed them if you don't know exactly where you are going to keep up to 20 baby hamsters! (the average litter is 8-10, but they can have up to 20!) If you don't have homes for all the babies, it is just somewhat cruel to breed them for the babies to just end up in a shelter.

  8. no, they will fight and breed.

    Please read

  9. only keep them together long enough to mate, not any longer or it will result in fights or death. female hamsters r in heat every 4 days, on the 4th day u can put them together to mate. If the female attacks the male it means she is not ready. u need to separate them and try again the next day.u shouldn't keep them together permanently, take the male out after they mate. the females gestation period is 18-21 days. a couple days b4 she is due to have her babies clean out the cage because you not be able to completely clean it for about 2-3 wks. For more information you can go to and google it.

    hope i helped!! :-]

  10. As others have said, Syrians are territorial and it's doubtful they'd breed. They're more likely to attack each other.

    Also, I'm assuming you got these hamsters at a pet store. Pet store hamsters are never suitable for breeding. How much money do you two have for vet bills if something goes wrong? If you don't have money to spare for the vet, breeding is out of the question. It's a much bigger task than you think.

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