
Can i put plastic balls in my hamsters cage?

by  |  earlier

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or can it harm my hamster in anyway?

they're the sort of plastic balls you find in childrens ball pits




  1. yah, but there kinda big.

  2. i guess it depends how big they are

  3. i don't know about you lady, but id never let a hamster play with my balls

  4. I have had a hamster before, but i'm not quite sure, i just had a little wheel in mine and a couple of toys, i woul'nt give my hamster that, i would think it would be unsafe but im not that sure, up to you i think. Sorry!!

  5. you can if you want to, i dont think the hamster will get much use out of it.  

  6. no you cant it might chew through it and the plastic might harm or kill the little hammie

  7. they are going to chew them up...I don't think plastic is that great for their stomachs.

  8. I wouldnt if I were you, they will more than likely chew their way through them and the plastic may get lodged int ehir throat/tear a whole in their cheek pouch.

    The same as letting kids eat plastic - no no! :)

    you can give them pretty much any thing else, loo rolls are great, and cereal boxes, my hamster loved them!

    Makes sure they have lots to do to prevents boredom n chewing the cage to pieces :)  

  9. I dont see why not. The hamster would love to chew and eat it! It shouldn't harm him/her.  

  10. I wouldn't do that it can get in his way or some accident could happen harming your hamster.

  11. u can but why?r u going to let her spin in the balls?is she gonna get in?just to tell you it wont harm ur little hamster~

  12. if the hamster is a girl or g*y im sure it would want that

  13. You could put balls in your hamsters cage. If it is from a pet store it's most likely to have been tried and tested for any animal safety.

    I have put my cats balls in the hamsters cage as the cats were not interested in them and its been fine. I used a ping pong type ball designed for cats as it is lightweight and she can roll it about easily and is too large to put in her cheek pouch. I have also used a sturdier ball with a rattle inside also designed for cats - its too strong to chew. She has never attempted to chew any and if you leave them in the cage too long they may stop taking notice of them.

    However if you put one in and your hamster is fixated on chewing it you should remove it for your hamsters safety as they will demolish the toy as well as possibly swallowing harmful bits. If you are really worried about it being harmful you could always supervise your hamster when it's in the cage and remove it after. Hope this helps x

  14. The thing about those kinds of balls are that they are very thin and if your hamster chews through it, your hamster could choke or the plastic may have toxins that could harm it if swallowed.  I do know they pet stores have a lot of toys that aren't harmful to hamsters!!

    I have hamsters too and if you want to talk and show pics join my Y! Group

  15. its a bit big but you could put it in  

  16. yes

  17. Are you a monster!? Haha, yes, you can put plastic balls in his cage....if you want to warp him for life!

  18. I wouldn't...I have two hamsters, and i only put toys from the pet store in their cage. try going to the pet store and buying toys there, just to be safe, chemical wise.

  19. uh ... big ball .. i dont think the hamtaaro will be able to eat it. give it a whirl. or call a local petco

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