
Can i put tinfoil barbs in the same tank as an african cichild 2 bichirs and a red tailed shark & a pleco?????

by  |  earlier

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  1. no barbs are really agro and will kill or get killed sorry

  2. No Barbs are Really aggressive Sorry.

  3. the pleco is ok but if you want to feed the cichlids then put the rest should never never put any tropical fish in with cichlids any one who tells you it is ok are idiots

  4. If the tank is big enough, no problems at all.

  5. What size tank is this? Your tank is already pretty mis-matched and you should address that before adding more.

    Tinfoil barbs are relatively peaceful large fish, for a group you need at least a 5-6ft long tank.

    As for your current stocking, that African Cichlid, whatever it may be, shouldn't be in there. It needs different water conditions to the other fish.

    The pair of bichirs need at least a 75-100 gallon tank, maybe larger depending on species. If they are larger species, fish like your red tailed shark may be at risk.

  6. what is your budget for fish?

    i think those tin-foils will be excellent dither fish and will be sure to keep the cichlid and bichirs busy

    ...personally i think at some point the pleco will probably try to suck on the bichirs perhaps, switch out pleco wth two or three more african cichlids.....

    ....that will be a really really good mix of fish for 'your tank'

    xccellent choices!

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