
Can i qualify for centrelink payments?

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Hi everyone!

I'm planning to go to university next year. I would be living away from home, but my parents make too much for me to qualify normally. If i try for uni next year i really need some form of payment to survive. Although mum and dad may make over the allowed income, they have high expenses to deal with, so won't really be able to support me. Please help me!




  1. Yes you can be elligibale for payments. You have to make an appointment. Centrelink will then ask you for some info about your parents to explain why they can't pay for you. But on the bright side if you are going to Uni you are obviously over 17 which makes you an independant person you don't need your parents. Therefore you can simply say that you are an adult now and you need some sort of income while you are living out of home and going to Uni. That is a good enough reason. I was in the same situation,

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