
Can i qualify for medicare?

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i am married with a 1 year old husband works and i was working part time but my hours got cut to 8 hours a week,so one day i felt like it wasnt worth going back for.i dont want to put my baby in day care so im trying to get a night job since my husband works during the day.because i quit my job do i now not qualify?arent there families out there who have one parent work and one stay home and still qualify?




  1. Welfare (Medicaid) is available in your situation as long as you meet the income requirements, which vary by state. In my state a family of three must have monthly income less than $1467. You can search "your state + Medicaid" to find the website for your state.

  2. You gave up a job that was bringing in money! It doesn't matter that you didn't like the hours, you do what you need to.

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