
Can i re-bond with his cat?

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i've known my boyfriends cat for three years, he used to be so affectionate and playful with me, always on my lap for cuddles and grooming my hair when he was allowed on the bed, but these last few months the cat has become horribly aggressive towards me, if he's in the kitchen and i come in he hisses and growls at me, if i try to go near him he lashes out at me. I really don't understand this change in behaviour he is still a loving cat towards everyone else, i have tried treats etc but nothing is working, its really getting to me now as i feel this cat really hates me, is there a way i can bond with him again without risking getting my eyes scratched out?




  1. dont try too hard to bond. If u are stressed or nervous/tense around him he will sense that. just relax around him and he will come round.  

  2. ignore him completely he will eventually want your attention again.

  3. it is all jealousy your cat thinks you are in the way and your boyfriend is giving you all the attention when the cat thinks you are in the way.

    hope i have helped.

  4. I would try feeding the cat first; that is letting the cat see you put food in his dish.  If you live with your boyfriend or are around enough, I would completely take over the duty of feeding the cat.  If the cat sees that you are the one providing food, he will be more willing to trust you.  If you see improvements after a few weeks of this, then I would try working up to giving treats for no particular reason.  Gradually work up to petting and handling the cat again.

  5. How strange - have you changed your perfume or anything?  Could you be pregnant?  Cats can sense this.  He could be jealous !

  6. have you changed your deodorant or perfume? cats use smell a lot, and they may have had a bad experience with a neighbour who also uses the same B.O. buster.

  7. Are you and your bf having any problems with your relationship? Cats are very perceptive of human feelings and emotions. Also like the answers above said, changing scents can be a problem or if you're pregnant. Don't push him to like you again just be normal and he'll come round on his own terms, bet one day you'll be watching tv and he'll just plonk himself on you knee. Maybe try getting a Feliway plug-in which mimics feline pheromones and calms cats down a bit x x x

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