
Can i read breaking dawn with out reading the series , becuz i dont no if i can understand the book witout it?

by Guest64624  |  earlier

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I'm on page 187, so far i didn't need to know anything but other then that the book is really good so far




  1. It would've been more fun and you will have learned Way more things. You really should have read the other ones, you just spoiled the whole series for yourself.

  2. Sure go ahead and read it! Its a free country! but by the end of that book you will be gagging with curiosity about what happened in the others!

    I was the same but I was so so so curious about the Victoria story I went out and bought all the books in the space of two days!

  3. if you get confused, it's best to put that book down right now and start from book 1.  

  4. OMG h**l NO!

    It might seem like you know everything but truth be told, there's a deeper story behing everything. Trust me. Why don't you just read the rest of the books in the series? They're just as amazing, interesting, etc. as Breaking Dawn. Here's the list for you:

    1) Twilight

    2) New Moon

    3) Eclipse

    4) Breaking Dawn

    Reading Breaking Dawn before the rest is like going to Pre-K and then skipping all the way up to 12th grade - impossible, you don't got the knowledge (;

  5. You wont understand all of it.

    Sure, it may make since to you.

    But once you have read the entire series in order, you will understand the events in Breaking Dawn much more clearly, and will appreciate the book and get a full understanding of what it is all about.

  6. you can enjoy breakind dawn by itself.  it has enough to stand alone.


    if you enjoy it then your going to love her first three books.  Individually they stand alone and together there awesome!  Reading them all gives you a better appreciation for the characters and that world.

    1st - Twilight

    2nd - New Moon

    3rd - Eclipse (my favorite one - focuses on the Cullens much more)

  7. You are going to need to know what's happening from previous books.

    The series is amazing and written to be read in a certain order don't ruin it for yourself by starting with the last book! Stop Breaking Dawn for now and start with Twilight because the series is truly amazing and is meant to be experienced in a specific way.

    Like I said it will get very confusing towards the end if you don't know the back story.

  8. It does not really matter there is no overall "lesson" or "moral" to the stories., They are all similar with emphasis on teen insecurities to keep the reader interested. All the books are interchangeable beacuse they all contain the same girl can't get boy or can't choose which boy conflict.

  9. your missing so much! You may think you understanding but you are missing the deeper meaning behind everything.


  10. You're missing out on a lot by not reading the other books...a lot of other things in breaking dawn will make more sense if you read the last three books. Like if they were to make a comment about something that happened in the last would understand instead of just being confused by what their saying.

  11. I wouldn't read it without the others.  BD is good but the other ones are amazing and they have a bunch of really good romance.

    And I think later on you're gonna get really confused about what the heck is going on.

    Trust me, its worth it to read the other ones!

  12. lol im really  sorry i have no clue cause i cant contact you for some reason i just decided to leave a comenet here if you read comment back on my question, and i do need the climax and anything you can tell me lol

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