
Can i really realse my ki energy into someone hiddin in th back of a wall ?

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Can i really realse my ki energy into someone hiddin in th back of a wall ?




  1. I would say yes if your name was yoda and you were about 3 feet tall and looked like a muppet

  2. The word "Ki" means "Tree" in Nihongo so I find this question super funny ........... ROTFL. "Ha" is the word for "Leaf" could you imagine "Ki Ha" or "Ha Ki" energy?  ..... good stuff.

    Thanks for the laugh man!!

  3. Try a bomb

  4. No - Ki or Chi throwing is nonsense.  

    You cannot hit someone without touching them no matter how much you want to or how cool you think it is.  It is physically impossible.

  5. Well, I wasn't going to answer this, but I've got something interesting that might apply for all the "naysayers" out there.

    Ki/Chi/Intrinsic Energy is real, just as any and all other form of energy. The human being as you may very well know only is able to observe a very minute fraction of the total energy spectrum that is in existence, and this is of the spectrum we've been able to observe through mechanical means.

    It is known that our bodies create and use energy in different ways, as well as having a root source of energy. If broken down to the smallest possible measure we are pure energy, with infinite space filling our being.  

    Muscles are filled with Kinetic energy just waiting to be released, and as we all know of energy it doesn't just stop and it doesn't disappear. It changes forms. So, this basic Kinetic energy in our bodies as we set to punch gets released as we execute the movement. Now, the question is where does it go? There are three main options, into whatever we're striking, or dissipating into the air, or resonating back inside ourselves.

    So there IS a possibility of transferring energy from one body to the next.

    Next we look at say, a lightning bug, or an electric eel. Humans cannot perform these actions as we know, but other actual living physical beings can, so why deny the possibility of it's existence?

    If our brain is able to control the expenditure of energy with a simple thought. Why is it impossible to be able to focus that output into a channeled release creating a desired response? It's not, the answer is simply, that its not impossible.... It is however improbable. That is the word people need to begin using.

    Remember that once in the history of man we believed stars to be gods, the earth to be flat, flight as an impossibility, etc. So do not discount something just because of the many frauds out there.

    Now, back to the question at hand. As far as the majority of the planet's concerned no you cannot. Anything I've ever heard of in this area has been that you must devote your entire life to its study and considering today's culture (the world over) I'd be hard pressed to see somebody accomplish this.

    For William P- A tree is connected with the earth and thusly connecting with everything of nature. So granted the visual of putting "my ki" / "my tree" through a wall into somebody else is funny, but there is another meaning to it which is the essential meaning behind Ki in the first place.

  6. Only if you eat enough beans.

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