
Can i recharge My mp3 player via my Nintendo Wii?

by  |  earlier

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Since the wii has two usb ports on the back is it possible to connect my mp3 player to it to recharge it, and without damaging the wii or the mp3 player.

If it matters my mp3 player is a Samsung YP-Z5.




  1. yeah, the wii can deliver power out of the USB ports so you can.

    It is kind of ackward to have a wire coming out of the back of the console though, its kind of weird with the USB keyboard I use for internet channel

  2. you should check out this site where you can get a wii for free (hey, that rhymes!)

  3. yup you can.

    I tryed it with mines and my brother tried it with his piod touch and they both worked.

  4. Yes you can

  5. I never thought of that,but you probably could!

  6. no. i tried, it doesn't work

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