
Can i recycle bubble wrap??

by  |  earlier

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i'm at work and i have piles of bubble wrap taking over my desk. do i throw it out or can it go in the recycle bin??




  1. If you post it like others suggested, some one like myself or my lead teachers might be interested. We use it with our Special needs children to calm them down in class. Many of the students love sitting quietly and popping them.

  2. If you post on Freecycle, you can give it to others who mail packages on e-bay and other people who use it to pack when moving, etc.

  3. The Mail Room located in the West Shore Shopping Center (975-9991) will accept: bubble wrap, Styrofoam inserts and packing peanuts. Depending on how much you have, you may want to call them first.


  4. Hello Finebear

    Sent all the Papper for Recycle only. Do know A 4 size white paper cost one bucket ful of Tree pulp. We are using Tree Pulp/Grass/ etc for making Paper.

    For saving Paper please do simple method in your Day to Day life.

    1. Before buying a papper or Book or Note Book, please ensure that this is realy you want.

    2.Use one side papers for Rough Work.

    3. Use old papper for cleaning your Kitchen sink/Glass/Window and send all for reuse.

    4. Do not burn any Papper or Book or Note Book or Work Book. Simply sent for Recycle.

    5.Plan your work without Papper. You can use Slate for Working or Calculation or Drawing purpose.

    6. Use papper for making Bowel or toyes.  Soak all papper in water Tub for 12 Hours. All become paste. Again beat it for

    Papper Pulp. Take Tub or Bucket spread thin Cloth upon that. Apply papper Pulp on the Top of Tub or Bucket ( As your like). Keep this Hot sun Rays. After all the water evaporates you will get one Papper made Tub of Bowel for your Daily use.

    Follow the above 6  Methods in your Day to Day life.

    You can save Papper and also save cutting of Trees.

  5. Some companies will take it to use in their packing and shipping. It can be used over and over again. Woodshop Cupolas in Trenton is one of those companies. They will pick up locally  667-6331

  6. I agree with the above answers, and you can also just store it away in case you ever need it  ( to keep something fragile safe when you're traveling, etc.)

  7. If you are not going to use it again (prefered) ...

    then throw it out .

    possibly give it to the local Fedex or UPS store for reuse.

  8. Sorry Earth,

                        The Bubble Wrap Has To Go In The Trash Bin. I Mean Like Trash Is Just Piling Up, But Recycling AnyThing Helps The Earth. You Cannot recycle Bubble Wrap! DARN IT THOUGH!!

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