
Can i remove one side of a double glazed window, and just keep one peice???

by  |  earlier

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the reason is one side is totally cracked. the size of the double glazing window is 200cm~215cm very big window inside my balcony and i have another window outside of the balcony which is okay. so anyway to fix at a glass shop will cost me around $400, also because i live on the 7th floor, it will cost to bring it up.

So can just break it, remove it, silicone it, and just enjoy the one clean piece of my double glazed window???





  1. You will lose all the benefits of having double-pane glass (insulation against heat transfer and noise).  Also, depending upon how they set the glass into the mounting you may see a reduction is flex strength when the cracked pane is removed (and thus the frame may no longer be able to support the remaining piece of glass).  May be time to just buck up.

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