
Can i report my local pub?

by  |  earlier

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they have a drain problem and it is disgusting the smell it over flowed in to the bar and they have done nothing about it i was talking to a old man in there last night who had to go to hospital as his mouth went all swollen after drinking in there last week who would i report them to it is relay bad




  1. i think you should sounds discusting. PLus you'll be doing everyone a favour...cant be a very popular place!!

  2. i doubt it.just vote with your feet.

  3. it is his problem, and the owners. the old boy could sue!

    can someone get a message to the owner? if he doesnt sort it he will get a big fine.

  4. Contact your local council and report the problem the the Enviormental Health Officer on duty, telephone number in you local phone book

  5. Report it to the government or something....

  6. You could report the pub to the Environmetal Health department  at your local council offices

  7. ring enviromental health at the local council

  8. You want to contact the health department associated with your local building department.

  9. have you asked the landlord what the problem is i had similar

    problem, reported it to local council , they insisted it was internal problem ,after about six more weeks and  letters of complaints from other residents with same drainage smells to local councillor ( Hey Smell Gone ) .

  10. Environmetal Health department of your local council.

  11. You need to ring enviromental health at the local council

  12. I have reported a cafe for having dangerous bannisters and a pub for having a board saying it served food all day but then not serving at 4pm. Both times it worked. Contact your councils health and safety dept.

  13. as above, the enviromental health department at the local council, and their licence to serve alcohol is also administered by the local council licencing department. if they fob you off, complain about them too! its their job!

    . the brewery might also be interested in the state of this place...

  14. the environmental health people in the phone book under local councils

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