
Can i request a blood test at anytime from the doctor?

by  |  earlier

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Can i get a blood test at anytime from my doctor, do i have to give a reason?, i mean i just want to get a blood test to make sure i dont have a couple of hireditory dieseases, sorry i dont know if ive spelt that right. So can i get a blood test for no reason?





  1. no you cant just demand a blood test as it costs money.  you would have to explain why you would want one and it will give the doc the opportunity to discuss with you the chances of inheriting any diseases.  they can also prepare you for the outcome.

  2. You can always request a blood test, you just might have to pay for it yourself if it's not covered in some other way.  

  3. go to your local GP and tell him your worried about hereditary diseases and whether you can have a blood test

    whenever i go for a check up, they ask if any diseases run in the family so im sure they'll be happy to help

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