
Can i return 2 track after broken femur?

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ya i broke my femur at a track meet and i was wondering if i would be abe to go back next season and still perfom at the same level as i was before




  1. it depends how much you train after it heals

  2. dude i have like the same problem. i broke my femur doing the long jump at a track meet about 3 weeks ago. i'm also worried if i'll be able to compete at the same level again and how long it would take to do sports again since i play basketball in the winter too

  3. There are lots of factors involved in repair and healing of breaks. Did they set the bone or did you have a rod placed next to the femur?

    Normally even breaks to major bones can heal, and how the bone sets determines your ability to with stand weight or repeated jolts to the bone.

    When you get into rehabbing use a bike or run in deep water, without touching the bottom of the pool, to condition your cardiovascular system and get your  muscles used to moving again.

    Normally breaks heal in about 6 weeks, but your doctor will tell you when you can become active and what activities you should and should not be doing.

    If you can run you will be able to run at the same level as before unless your bone heals with some deformity that affects  your gait.

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