
Can i return a macbook?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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i brought it like exactly 1 month ago there is nothing wrong with, i just really dont need it yet, and i wonder apple store will let me return it.




  1. Look in your paperwork for information on the return policy. You might have to pay a restocking fee of about 15 percent of the price you paid. They should take it back, but after a month I am unsure. If it were under a month I would say no problem. If today is day 30, phone up for a request for a return. If you do it today you may get by with it, but if you wait until tomorrow all bets may be off.

    Good luck and have a nice day.

  2. Most places have either a 2 week or 30 day return policy with a 15% restocking fee.

    Here's what I got from a quick google search:

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