
Can i ride a pocket bike on my neibor hood sidewalk legally?

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i want a pocket bike for my birthday but i just read something that they are illegal please answer i need help!!




  1. They are illegal to ride anywhere.

    But to clarify your sidewalk thing, Sidewalks are meant for pedestrians, they are not meant to ride anything on. Any wheeled vehicle is by law supposed to be on the street. Pedal or not.

  2. Sidewalks are generally for non-powered vehicles. However depending on where you are this might not be the case. You need to check the local laws as the use of sidewalks varies a lot. There are a lot of posters here who will post that sidewalks are for pedestrians only and this is not true every where. Pocket bikes where I live are not allowed on the road, sidewalks or multiuse pathways. Get a bike it will be more fun and won't annoy the neighbors.

  3. That question would be best answered by talking to your local police, since they are the ones who enforce local laws.

    In most urban/suburban areas, they are illegal to ride on any public road or sidewalk.  

    Get a bicycle, its much more practical.

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