
Can i run 49.99?

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im a senior in high school (a guy) and the school record for the 400m is 49.99 from like 25 or 30 years ago. I always really wanted to break it since freshman year but it looked impossible. This year i have been running in the 52's but last week i ran a 50.9. I have 3 or 4 meets left to do it and i wanna know what i can do from here to take off a second. My hips been kind of sore so ive been icing it everyday but i need some tips on how you guys run the race.





  1. of course you can run that. I am sure that you can run 49.8-49.5. you need to concentrate on your race. run your first 100m at near top speed. then stride the back strecth,make sure your arms i moving in a 90degree angle(be lest aggressive). when you reach the 200meter mark relax for about a little bit then start fireing your arms back on the last 200-150meters.

  2. You are still 1 second away and that is a long distance in the 400.

    The way to run the race is to get out hard, your first 40 is like the first 40 in the 100.

    Once you are up to speed relax, it is like floating you are almost at top speed, do not try to increase your speed.

    You should come through the first 200 about 2 seconds slower than your open 200 race.

    You need to drive the second curve to maintain your speed.

    When you come of the curve you are running as fast as you can run so do not try to increase your speed. You will tense up and slow down.

    Keep your arms moving so you do not shorten your stride and decrease your turn over rate.

    Practice running repeat 200s at 23 to 24 seconds with 200 walk as recovery.

    Run a split 400, that is start at the common start finish and run the first 200, then walk to the 300 mark and run to the finish line, then walk the curve and start at the 4x100 exchange and run 200 finishing at the 300, walk to the finish line run 100, walk the back straight then run 200 to the finish line, rest 10 to 15 minutes  and do it again.

  3. i would say go for about 23-24 seconds in the first 200 meters because you dont want to kill yourself halfway through the race going all out the next 100 slow it up slightly but still go at a fast pace then give whatever you have left on the straightaway

  4. how did you run the 50.9? . . . did you go out faster than usual? . . . did you run a controlled 200 and then let loose? . . . you probably need to go thru the 1st 200 in under/at  23 seconds and that will allow you to run a 26.98 or better 2nd 200 to break the record ~ good luck

  5. I agree with previous poster.

    You can do it...make sure you're loose- Stretching is important.

    Try 2 teaspoons of Creatine 1 hour before the race...might get you over the hump

  6. no you have 30 seconds
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