
Can i run a telephone extension reel from the house to a shed.I have electricty in the shed already.?

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Can i run a telephone extension reel from the house to a shed.I have electricty in the shed already.?




  1. Yep - but the rain and sunlight is likely to perish the rubber outside of the cable in fairly short order.

    Best way to sort this is to buy a length of hose, slit it from end to end, and put the phone cable inside the hose.

    If you're really keen, you can then silicon seal the hose again.

  2. You can run it anywhere. As long as its dry.

  3. the simple answer is yes, just measure the length you require if you buy an extension kit all the parts will be included, but I would buy a cordless phone the base station would stay in the house you can then wander around with the phone in your pocket  cordless are very cheap.

  4. any electrical company going to sell outside wire by the foot-just color match hook up

  5. yes but you would have to go to b&q and get a cable tidy or something to keep the water from getting to it

  6. Yes.- you could .

    I-would  prefer a "cord-less remote phone"~sounds safer/easier to handle?

  7. Yes. Telephone cables run off a separate power anyway, which is why telephones (except cordless ones) can carry on working during a power cut, so even if you didn't have electricity in the shed you could still run a phone out there.

    Make sure the cable is well protected and insulated so that it's not going to get damaged or affected by bad weather.

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