
Can i run with Chondromalacia or 'runners knee' ?

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In feb i was doing a lot of walking doing distributing 3-4 hours five days a week, when i got what i think is Chondromalacia. I did some light running to keep fit at the time, which i had to stop due to the pain. after another week of enduring the pain i quit my distributing job to let my knee recover.

Three months on, when i walk up or down stairs or start running again the pain comes back.

My knee also gets stiff and a little sore after sitting for a while.

This is starting to frustrate me as i would like to start training now for a 5 mile fell race in one month.

I have some extra weight that i want to get rid of, and need to start doing races to give me the motivation i need to train enough, shift the weight and get fit.

I'm concerned that if i train for a race my knee will flare up again and set the healing time back again.

There is mild pain if i run very slowly, but after a few minutes the pain gets worse but is bearable. Any advice on this? How long will it take to heal?




  1. Hey

    im 21 and have had chondromalacia patellae since i was 14. I used to be a keen gymnast and sport freak. I currently have two jobs and my condition flares up whenever my body does too much. There is an operation available although this can sometimes make the injury worse rather then better.

    you can run with chondromalacia but it still will be painful. there are excercises that can be done to prevent pain but i suggest going to the doctors so they can give you some strng anti inflammitary drugs this will ease the pain and stop swelling around the knee cap or ankle.

    I have posted some websites i hope these help.

    you will find yourself still getting pain but try and ignore it i know it hurts like mad but try not let it affect youre every day life x*x

  2. yes you can. the first answer says it all

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