
Can i save money on college by getting married?

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I am going to a 40, 000 dollar a year shool and I am comptyly paying for ie on my own, I am getting no money because my parents make over 100,000, and my mother filled out my fafsa wrong, so it delayed and cut all my stafford loans. Joining the army is out of the question, but what is I just married a really good friend. Not for love but to save us money on college. Im so scared about finaicail paying for my school, is there any other ways?




  1. Getting married does not increase the amount of any grant money you might qualify for.  Very poor college dependent and independent student qualify for the same amount 4,700 a year if you qualify, so getting married doesn't increase this.  All getting married will do (next  year because they won't update your marital status if you get married before school starts or at any other time) is make you eligible to borrow two thousand more dollars a year.  Not exactly a perk in my book and hardly a drop in the bucket for a 40K year school.

    Your mother filling out your fafsa wrong should not hinder you from getting stafford loans.  The financial aid office at your school has the ability to correct most items.  However, there is a limit on how much you can borrow as a dependent freshman...5,500 a year.

    I would recommend you reconsider your choice of schools if you are going to have to borrow 40K a year for 4 years to attend this school.  

    Private loans are evil and require you to have a good cosigner.  Nothing good will ever come from borrowing 40K X 4 = 160,000 for just a bachelor's degree.  It will be even worse if you are getting a liberal arts degree because you'll never be able to afford the 1,600 a month payments after you graduate.

    Another option is to find a better school.  That one isn't very good if you have to pay 40K a year and they aren't offering you enough in federal and institutional aid to cover almost everything.

  2. Scholarships.

  3. Yes, at a school that meets need, this would work. When you get married your parent's income will no longer count.

    However, if your school does not meet need which most do not, it could have no effect.

  4. Actually, yes, being married can qualify you for more financial aid because your parents income is no longer part of the equation.  Shouldn't you have found this out before getting married?  Your school is so expensive the extra aid may not be enough, and then you are left with a marriage for a really stupid reason.  Why are you asking us, anyway?  If you're already married, then call the financial aid office and look into the advantages instead of wasting your time on Yahoo.

  5. ok so you want to pay less money heres what you do, get a really cheap apartment and a minimum wage job, if your income is really low not only will you get student loans to go to school but you can get grants through the school so you will have money to survive / go to school.  If you're living with your parents with there income you wont get any help or a lower price.  It worked for me, only it was all reality and I now owe $8000 in student loans.

  6. what exactly would getting married solve? other than creating new financial problems  

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