
Can i save this baby?

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my mother currently fosters my god sisters three children and we are about to go through the courts for adoption. she lost her children due to negligence,abandonment and drug use and she still hasnt shown any improvement. she is twenty five years old and she just had another baby yesterday. she knows she is unfit but wants to keep the baby for money. She says that if she is not able to keep the baby custody will be handed over to the supposed baby's father whose she is residing with now. he is an illegal alien. if she is unfit to raise her other children will she still be able to keep this child and if not will they give custody to the father who she is residing with. please help me ive seen the abuse that her other children suffered and i dint want this baby to suffer. my mom wants to take the baby in with his other siblings is this possible.




  1. Its not right for her to keep the baby if she's unfit mother. Ifg she has hurt the other ones and the guys an illigal alien, the best fit for the children and the newborn is her parents. (the grandmother) i've seen it happen. its not right to keep one than not all you know what I mean. thats so hurtful. I lost my baby during the 5th month of my pregnancy. I'd do anything to have another but I gotta find the right person and if she cant take good care of herself and her others then I would say shame on her!

  2. I would say yes absolutely I would contact immigration then the father is out of the CPS or whoever is handling the adoption of the other children. If the father is living with her he may be a drug user also and not fit to raise a child....I would take action ASAP!!! Remember children are our future Judges, CEO's, and perhaps one of them may be the next President but they need to know that they are loved and abuse is in no way showing love.....

  3. This will all depend on Protective Services, and the information they have on this family, and the plan they have made for them.  You can contact the Caseworker and let her know the family's concerns for these children, and now this new baby.  Chances are, if the father and mother live   together, and he was involved the in the negligence of the other children, they will not give her custody at this time.  They may have her go through parenting classes, and counseling to prove her ability to parent.  Meanwhile, they may give you custody if you qualify.

    Contact the hospital social worker and let her know your concerns immediately.  Then contact the Protective Services Caseworker.  Time if of the essence, because they will likely make a decision today, or if concerns are noted, they may hold the baby over until Monday, when either the hospital Social Worker or Protective Services Caseworker can get involved and make a safety plan..

  4. 1st of all if her boyfriend is an illegal allien it does not meen that he is not fit to be that babys daddy so u have no right to take that baby from him.If she is unfit it doesnt meen he has to be the same.He has all the right to be with his child,if she looses custody and he prooves to be fit there is nothing u can do.You know just because your not a u.s citizen it doesnt mean that u r a bad person.

  5. The courts are corrupt these days, & unfortunately can't see corectly, to judge appropriately.

    It matters not what the parents do, as long as they do not kill their own child, the parents often times end up with their children back.

    I have a few friends who are Foster-Parents with the intention of adopting a child.  Often times their heart breaks & they have so far never ended up adopting the child that they set their hearts on.

    Often times the court system, is bent on giving the child back to the parent,, even when the parent isn't suitable for the job of caring for their own baby/child/children, etc.......!!

    If the Illegal alien is a parent of this child, he can even acquire this child & bring them into another state.  What has stopped these illegal aliens thus far?  Nothing.  Oh, how I hurt for my friends sakes & for those people who want righteousness to prevail in our legal system.

    When they threw God out, of the schools & society, they threw out God's Law's & so therefore they are given over to a reprobate mind & lawlessness.

  6. If she has been deemed unfit for her previous children, she will be considered unfit for this child. Just tell DCF or Child Protective services.

  7. If she has already been deemed unfit I don’t see how they would let her keep this child unless she has shown some steps to better herself. From what you posted that is not the case nor does she have plans too. I’m not sure what you could do if the father is deemed fit then the baby would go with him but they would require he not live with the mother, and if he refused I doubt they’d give the baby to him. Being a illegal alien its possible he could be deported and the baby could go with him. Then again since the baby is a Citizen that could enable him to get citizenship or at the most a green card to remain in the country.

    Is she for sure this man is the father?

    It’s very sad this gal clearly needs to have her tubes tied, I hope for the best for you and your family who clearly want to give this baby a good life, and for the baby.

  8. they will not give custody of the child to someone who is living in the same house and most definitely not to an illegal alien and by her trying to do that she would cause him to get deported but bc the child is a US citizen they cant kick him out of the country so unless the father has arrangements to take the child out of the country the government doesn't pay to return you to the border and a guest lol.  but he could try to use that as a reason to be granted citizenship. but he still lives in the same house as her. my cousins kids are about to be taken away  from her bc her boy friend spanked her son and left a mark(those were her words). there are no charges on her and he is not the father of the kids. he will probably end up with your mom soon. if you want to speed along the proses call them and tell them she had another child and they will do an investigation.

  9. This should be brought up the  childrens protection agency asap

    Her drug use and life style isn't good to bring a baby in to

    Document every thing she does. You might have to save this little one

    God bless u all

  10. Make sure the court knows the whole story, She shouldn't have any of them
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