
Can i see all the sky tv channels without having to pay?was thiking to buy a seperate box would it work?

by  |  earlier

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a friend told me to buy the sky box from ebay should not cost more than £30, but u still would need a dish to connect with the sky box.

You know where i can buy the dish from ?

and would it work?






  1. Dude, i made that same mistake. i bought a dish, i bought a box, i bought a card, i paid for installation, and paid a monthly fee. one of my friends told me about Satellite Tv Pc.

    You get over 3000 channels from 78 countries on your PC right off the internet.

    it is so cool. the big secret is that these companies like dish network, sky, direct tv, All use waves that were meant to be FREE. these waves come from satellites in space that can easily be transfered through the internet.

    Check it out before you waste any regreted money.

  2. You would be better off buying hotbird and picking up links from other countries or there are many online packages.

  3. The trouble is, without an active viewing card, you could not watch anything.

    You may get some of the free channels, but any of the good ones requires a Sky subscription so you won;t be able to watch them.

  4. Sky spent more money making the system secure than developing the rest of the system, if you could view the programs without a card you would be the first person I've heard of........Buy a dish from Maplin, B&Q, Aldi, Lidol you can buy a full system for under £100

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