
Can i sell my bait? do i need a permit?

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im 14 and i looking to make some money selling crawdads, minnows and worms, and homeade catfish bait. also if i can sell my bait what should be my prices




  1. Heck, yeah you may very well need a permit, and there are often restrictions on the type of bait you can catch and sell.

    Contact your State Fish and Game Department to find out what you need to do to stay in compliance.

  2. no you dont need a permit

  3. Every business needs a permit of some type, even NPO's. As previously stated, check with your state fish & game for requirements. Now you can always go and check with local bait & tackle shops as to where they get their bait from and the prices they pay their suppliers. It's not as much as the retail price but you would be selling in bulk quantities and would have to deal with less customers. This would help to free your time up to get more bait. Good luck!!!

  4. in some states u need a permit, but in prices, for hommade catfish, u should sel by the pound, or ounce, watever but make them resonable

  5. Naw you wont get caught...i suggest craigslist in your city and you will sell fast, believe me

  6. hey man, if you want to get technical about it, but yes you do need a permit by law, but don't worry about it.  there aint going to be the first person that will say anything.  man go ahead and start making some money.  i think that more people should start doing that.  it will give you work experience, work ethics, and all around make you a better man.  now for the prices of the baits.  i don't want to throw down a certain price, but i tell you what you can do.  i would go to your local bait and tackle shops and see what they are charging.  now don't charge the samething that they are charging.  i would charge about 25%less than what they are charging.  with doing this, you will sell more so if you sell more at a less price than the locals you will have repeat buisness.  and after repeat starts coming back that is when the money starts rolling in.  man i sure wish i could be in your shoes.  i hope and pray that one day i can own my own bait and takle shop.  maybe you can start your own bait and tackle shop and when you do i will come and see ya.  man i hope that helps you a little.  good luck and good fishin

  7. I am also wondering that. And I am also 14. I have an aquarium full of worms that I was going to breed and just use for myself and family but I have so many that I was wondering if I could sell them. Also my uncle has a creek running from a pond and it has tons of crawdads. I'm going to watch this question good luck on your business!

    I just found out in South Dakota to sell bait you only need a permit if your 16 so I'm all good. Just google your state and put in permit for selling bait and it should come up. Good luck!

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