
Can i sell my psp for...

by  |  earlier

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is there a good place where i can sell my fat black psp...(its in ok condition) and my 4 gig memory stick...for at least 150.00...not online..




  1. Try Craig's List!

    I've sold my Wii there!

  2. Craigslist or ask some of your friends if they want to buy it from you because at ebgames, gamestop, and play n trade they'll give you around like $40-60

  3. A used psp fat is about 90-120 depending on the condition

    It's in "ok" condition so that might go for 100

    and the 4 gb stick if it is authentic, made in America, not fake then it's worth 30-40

    so you might be able to pull it off.

    good luck

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