
Can i send a virus this way? urgent!!!!!!!!!

by  |  earlier

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if my computer has a virus can i send it through aim?

if i send an im ot my friend and my computer has viruses will i send it to them?




  1. No, you can't send viruses through AIM, but you can through email. This is because email transfers files and such, whereas AIM only transfers text.

  2. I don't think it can, unless it's programmed to send it out of accounts. Remove it with an anti-virus program, better safe than sorry.

  3. yes and no, i've had one of my friends have a virus where everytime you would log on when they were on, it would automattically say "think these pictures are to s**y for myspace?" and then it would try to get you to download and run a batch file, so unless they download a file that you "send" than no... email yes tho

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