
Can i show my son the devastion of ww2 boming?

by Guest21446  |  earlier

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  1. As long as it doesn't show human carnage, should be fine.

  2. How old is your son?

  3. it would be helpful to know the age of your son.  can't really answer too well without that but i think that late middle school to high school is ok to start learning about humans cruelty to other humans, and to see it in graphic form; more exposure to the knowledge than to the images is usually ok.

  4. I actually realize you aren't asking a parental question here.

    Some of the posters in this forum can be pretty bright sometimes.

    "I have a son, duh....what do I do???"

    here is a link with bombing footage

  5. Actually the movie Saving Private Ryan was right on the money!

    It was the ONLY movie about WWII that WWII vets actually  say was THE closest anyone has ever come to it.

    From the blood, guts and gore, to the live fighting inside of villages & homes.

    But, of course, as everyone say, your son's AGE is a HUGE factor.

    I'm ex-military and seeing Saving Private Ryan was tough for me, it's not for a child.

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