
Can i slamm my brakes?

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I was wondering can i slamm by brakes when someone is tailgating me ? ... Today someone tailgated me hard on a 45mph road and when she passed me i also tailgated her.. she slammed her brakes too.. ...I was on my way to a gun range,.... anyways cani slamm my brakes in the future?>




  1. sure, if you want rear-ended.

  2. legally, yes.

    but i wouldn't recommend it. what if you get rear-ended by her. (thats what she said)

  3. Don't do it, it's just a bunch of nonsense, what if you or someone else gets hurt.  

  4. Pansoti is right. If you're so anal about making a point you can invest all the effort in the world but I personally think it's not worth the time nor the risk.

  5. So you are on your way to a gun range, and you have a little road rage, and slam on your brakes? HMMM. You are giving legal gun owners a good name.

  6. I have heard that you can simulate that action. Try turning your lights on and hit your gas at the same time. Just make sure their is not anybody in front of you. If you do it right the when your brake lights come on and your car jumps forward it may look like you hit your brakes.

  7. you do not want to do that because getting rear ended is more dangerous for you as you are hit in the rear risking whiplash and neck injury and could possibly throw you off the road or into oncoming traffic. nothing would happen to them because they would brace for impact and be hit i the front. so basically you would s***w yourself. Just call the cops, or use your rear view mirror to reflect their beams at their face, or rig a big mirror to flip up and cover your rear window when being tail gated so the lights reflect back at them (ha ha). By the way dont give the finger cause then they can beat you up and tell the court you flicked them off which is instigating (my sister just won a court case  for this) and if you slam on your brakes it will be easy for the victim to prove you did it deliberatly with no evidence that you slammed your brakes to evade something (unless you say you saw a cat crossing the road or something).

  8. Of course you can.  You will of course be at fault for the accident, probably get a citation for Reckless driving, possibly lose your license, see your insurance rates go up, and need to fix your vehicle.

    Just because there are many dumb*&% drivers out there doesn't mean that you should join them.  

  9. I heard a easy to avoid tailgates just turn on your headlights of course

    that would turn on your taillights and your tailgate would think you are slowing down but you are not but it could slow them down enough to make them pass  you

  10. If you don't mind all the trouble with filing insurance claims and perhaps court battles, then by all means go ahead.  If the person behind you hits you straight on its almost guaranteed that he'll be the party at fault.  

    I hate tailgaters and trust me, I've wanted to hit the brakes many times before and say something like "I was avoiding that squirrel, but I guess you were tailing me so close you didn't see.  Pay up B****."  But then again... I'm finishing college and hopefully will get a decent job.  It's too much trouble to go through  just to make those jerks pay.

  11. ahah

  12. only a idiot would   do mustt have a death wish.

    you should  NEVER SLAM YOUR  BRAKES unless it is a  dire emergency.

    you could kill yourslef,or soemone else in your car,or the perosn you think is a a*****e in front of you.

    the least of your problems at that point would be


    legal problems

    possibley wearing your brakes out.

    learn to honk the horn and give the finger,thats what i do.


  13. Yes, legally you can


    You are not faulted

    You can file a lawsuit and end up with money

    As long as you have insurance damages will be paid for


    Very Dangerous. WEAR A SEAT BELT

    Your car may get wrecked

    Time with the lawsuit is lengthy

    You'll p**s off whoever you cause to crash into you (good or bad)

    Did I mention dangerous

    I wouldn't recommend doing so.  

  14. You shouldn't do that because if you slam on your brakes and the person hits you and gets hurt, they can sue you. Just slow down, let the moron pass you and be done with it. Let that person have a crash elsewhere.

  15. Yeah believe me, I've experienced that kinda rage too. But when you consider the affter-effects, it just aint worth it. Sure, legally the person who rear-ended you would be at fault if you hit your breaks. BUT, if they thought you were doing it out of anger they would probably contest the charge and then you would have a bunch of legal stuff to sort out.. which will end up costing money and taking up a lot of time. So just take a deep breath and let the a******s go out of your life. And try not to exact revenge on the road.. you never know why people are driving the way they are. Someone could be tailgaiting because they're rushing to the hospital or to pick their kids up or something else important!!

  16. If it's a good reason to. You shouldn't do it whenever you want. But don't if there right behind you, unless you perfer to be rear-ended.

  17. Sure you can "slamm" (or even slam) on your brakes.

    You can also be charged with reckless driving.

    BTW what does the gun range have to do with this question?

  18. You can! If someone hits you from behind it's automatically their fault. Following to closely is a moving violation. Slam away!! Good luck.

  19. I wouldn't do it.  This is road rage and could be very costly.  If they hit you and the court determines you slammed your brakes out of anger it could not only raise your insurance but give you a fine.  Also, remember there are so sick people out there and doing something like this could cause them to go into a fury an you never know how they may react.  it isn't worth it let it go a they were simply a bad driver and keep your cool.

  20. Why would you want to CAUSE an accident? Then it is not even a f****** "accident" because it wasn't really on accident, you purposely would have the person rear-end you. Some guy did that to me the other day, except I was not tail gating him. I cut him off because he was going 40 in a 45, and long story short, he purposely made me rear-end him in the middle of a right turn - he stopped even though it was a green light, and got out of his car when it happened and said, "That's exactly what I wanted to happen *****, I just wanted you to hit me. That's all I wanted" ... I don't really understand why the border jumpers are allowed to illegally live in this country?

  21. I understand.  Once I slammed my brakes so hard the car behind me went into the ditch.  It's the point, respect my space.  And always remember, but officer {insert little animal here} ran out in front of me.
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