
Can i smoke weed and still be healthy at the same time?

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iv quit cigarettes, i now dont eat junk food, only healthy stuff and work out

if i smoked weed everyday which i like doing, would it have make me unhealthy even tho i live a healthy lifestyle?, i never get tired off it and that

(the munchies wont be a problem as i dont get them)




  1. dude dont!!!!!!!!!!!

    Help me  instead!!!

  2. Dude, weed is like illegal so obviously it ain't healthy. Don't smoke it. Chew gum instead. Or work out.

  3. Yeah, but don't overdo it.

    Try to balance everything that nurtures your body.

  4. people had asked me that i miss the people that ask me whaa lol

  5. yes you are healthy hun glad to here you quit ciggs and junk food and you are working out keep on smokin motivated stoner like me!  

  6. i will track you down.

    and call the cops.

    you broke the rules of the bible son.!!!!!!!

    no weed.


  7. Yes of course you would be. You are smoking and that ruins your lungs, it is a drug, so you are frying your brain....Sooooooooo...I think it's a safe YES.

  8. Eating healthy, staying active and so on, may be healthy. But when you smoke weed you FRY brain cells....and from the latest food studies I hear anything FRIED is always bad for you.

  9. Hey , dude , can I come over ?

  10. NO. dont smoke weed it's bad. if you smoke weed you'll be bad lol. =)

  11. umm, yah..  that kinda stuff is bad for your body it can make you die at an early age. im not trying to be rude,.,...  im trying to help you.. if u want a healthy body STOP SMOKING WEED!

  12. ummmmmmmmmm, no, but that doesn't stop people. please don't but its your choice i guess

  13. yes...

  14. haha youre an idiot

  15. All you need to do is search for "dangers of marijuana," and I think you'll get your answer. Smoking pot can cause respiratory problems among plenty of other things.  

  16. yes, you can smoke weed and be healthy -in jail :]

    smoking weed is ILLEGAL even if you smoke at home.


  17. lmfao its like you saying "i stab my self in the lungs everyday can i still be healthy"?

  18. Drugs song that I just made up 3 minutes ago


    Drugs make you look a mess


    Drugs make your life hopeless



    You may think that this was a funny joke or something but it isn't. Really drugs can really mess you up please get help, and of course you can't be healthy if you smoke weed!

  19. yea youll will be very unhealthy because even though you live a healthy life style you will feel groggy because your always tired and you won't exercise much then and then theres your inside thats going to make you die because your bascicaly killing yourself that way

  20. u dumb **** dont do drugs or anything els it all ***** up ur life.....ether way its ganna **** up ur life take up somethin els like sports rehab etc...even though u dont see a phisical change its really messin u up insanely alot on the nside or ur brain...dont take the chance of losig ur family/life/friends/job/school/life to 20 bucks worth of a weed...ever seen the movie pinapple express??if not then go see it and how much it can **** up ur life....not to be like an adualt or some popo but just givin u a heads up hoow dumb it really is...

  21. get a vaporizer no smoke it just heats thc cristals up so no lung damage so you can be healthy and stress free i got one its great and better than smoking it

  22. no matter what you are inhaling smoke into your lungs and that causes build up and can cause cancer. but weed is healthier than cigarettes so your doing better. if i were you i would use a vaporizer. less smoke. good luck and happy toking  

  23. weed is not unhealthy for you.  the only bad thing about it is the smoke, but it's nowhere near as bad as cigarette smoke.  the only reason it might be unhealthy is because you might not feel like working out anymore lol.

  24. There are a lot of ignorant people that see the anti-drug commercials and listen to DARE and think that smoking weed fries your brain or kills your lungs or (insert lie or unsubstantiated rumor from the government or society).

    The truth is that the only negative effect smoking marijuana has is you can hurt your lungs if you smoke for years and years and years.  I suggest you cut back from once a day but even that isn't terribly unhealthy.

    Go to  I know you probably won't because who actually follows links in these things anyway, but if you want to get educated, go there.

    And d**n dude how do you not get the munchies?

  25. Smoking weed is just as bad for your lungs as cigarettes. (Actually, one bowl is worse for your lungs than one cigarette, but you probably don't smoke weed as much as some people smoke cigarettes.)

    Weed also causes brain damage and short-term memory loss, similar to the brain damage caused by drinking alcohol. It's not a big deal in moderation, but if you smoke every day (or if you're an alcoholic) it can be a real problem.

    So quit if you can, but if you don't have the willpower right now, you can be proud of the changes you have made and know that you're a lot healthier than you were before.

    Update: dead friend is right about the vaporizer. Apparently, with a vaporizer, you can get all the THC (which is what makes you high) without any of the smoke from burning the whole plant (which is what gives you cancer).

  26. Obviously! All of things in weed attack your body and kill it from the inside out! Regardless of how healthy your diet and exercise is, eventually that c**p is going to catch up with you! Just say no to weed!

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